Matériels de manutention de produits en vrac


Serva > Activities and services > Design

Ingénierie du vrac

SERVA continues to contribute to the structural evolution of the industry. Historically, engineering was reserved for large industrial groups that had project groups for new works and production tool optimization in their research centers and factories. To make savings or as part of a strategy to refocus on their core business, these players are more frequently outsourcing these support functions and unfortunately, a significant portion of the expertise gets lost or diluted with each degree of subcontracting.

To provide a different approach, SERVA can provide assistance with all your bulk handling problems.

Our approach aims to separate: firstly the process, which is your production tool and your expertise, from the second, which is handling, in order to make the supply and distribution of the first reliable, our SERVA expertise.

Bulk engineering, which at first glance is a somewhat vague notion, covers implementation, the choice of technologies and the sizing of:

  • Storage equipment (silos, hoppers, bins, etc.) 
  • Extraction equipment (screw, belt or vibration discharge system)
  • Handling equipment (screw conveyors, conveyor belts, bucket elevators, chain conveyors, etc.)
  • Volume or weight dosing equipment.
  • Connecting chutes (corrosion-resistant, abrasion-resistant, etc.)

All in compliance with the constraints of your sector of activity.
Over the last ten years or so, we have made this internal change from being simply an equipment supplier to a supplier of global and multiple bespoke solutions.

Today, more than ever, we are your equipment partner, but above all, we are your technical contact to be involved in your preliminary projects, so that our offer will be all the more relevant and successful.

Our predominantly integral designs give you documentary continuity and an identical design philosophy for all your equipment notably to streamline maintenance, and to manage access points and man-machine interfaces.

Bulk Engineering by SERVA stems from listening to the people you work with in the field and on projects. It is a response to your needs for support and guidance for your future projects.

Daniel Ricardo

Bureau d'études

Une efficience globale de vos équipements

Chacune de nos réalisations est conçue pour être parfaitement calibrée aux besoins spécifiques d’aujourd’hui mais également pour limiter leurs coûts en maintenance pour demain. La conception sur-mesure d’équipements spécifiques répond ainsi à une double contrainte : Les matériels que nous proposons sont à la fois optimisés et pérennes.

Qu’il s’agisse d’une conception, d’une nouvelle implantation, de nouveaux matériels de convoyage ou de reconfiguration d’un convoyeur existant, notre bureau d’études s’adaptera à vos attentes avec une très grande souplesse afin de vous garantir une efficience globale de vos équipements. Notre objectif est de rechercher avec vous la meilleure solution possible !
Notre écoute et notre force de proposition sont les qualités premières de notre gestion de projet.

Formulaire de conception convoyeur

